Wednesday 28 May 2014

Goodbye Teens, Hello Twenties

Today is my 20th birthday (28th May). In some ways I'm excited about entering a whole new era, but I'm also saddened about leaving the teens, I'm not quite ready to let go! My teenage years haven't really been filled with lots of drama like most however, there have been ups and downs in the roller coaster that is life. My music career has started to take off, I've taken GCSEs, A-levels, moved schools, met new people and even moved away to University. I've learnt a lot of things these past 7 years as a teen (from 13).
1. Always stand up for yourself - never let the bullies in you life win and the end of school doesn't mean the end of people picking on you.
2. You are beautiful and loved - tell yourself everyday that you are beautiful and loved.
3. Always believe in yourself - you can achieve so much in your life by believing in yourself and never giving up. "Nothing's impossible, the word itself says I'm possible!" - Audrey Hepburn.
4. It's perfectly ok to be different - be who you are and not who everyone wants you to be, and if that means you are different to others in my opinion it's better than being a follower.
5. You can't always be perfect - this has been a tough lesson for me personally. I struggled with the fact that I wasn't perfect and despite doing great at school, university is completely different and tougher.
6. Being in a relationship is not the be all and end all of life - I've personally never been in a relationship and I've found that it doesn't bother me, I like my independence and this is the time in your life when you should be able to be "selfish" to a degree and go on adventures. Plus, these things happen in their own time, you can't search for love, it will find you one day.
7. Experiment with styles - If you want to dye your hair blonde, do it! I've been through so many different phases until I found out who I was. I was a bit of a tomboy, then I went emo/scene kid phase (red stripe in my hair and tutus oh and of course Paramore and Fall Out Boy), then sundresses and cowboy boots only and to my mix of preppy/country vibe. It's good to try different things, even if you cringe when you look back on it, its all a part of growing up.
8. Travel, travel, travel - It really does broaden your mind! Try the food, use the public transport, get lost in the city (walking from Vatican city to the Colosseum is much further than the map). 
9. Follow your arrow! - Always follow YOUR arrow, no one else's. Go after your dreams and follow your heart wherever it takes you! 

13 years old - In my emo/scene kid phase (glad I outgrew that one, however I still play guitar!)

13 years old - Taking photos started to become an obession!

13 years old - Me with the little pony Fez, the companion pony at the stables, such a cutie! 

14/15 years old - On a school trip in Spain.

15 years old - Year 11 at High School.

17 years old - Upper Sixth Form Prom!!
19 years old - My best friends 21st birthday party. I'm wearing an Anthropologie dress :)
19 years old - Bringing country music to LONDON!!

Lizzie xoxo

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